Our group consists of Sam Gillard, Will Hooper, Harry Flook and Bryn Evans. The blog presents our project and all related work.

Thursday 14 January 2010

Film Treatment - Target audience/certificate

As our audience age group is certificate 15 we decided that the type of advertisement would have to appeal to this age group and over.
Therefore we thought that our film could be advertised in a magazine which was read by this age group e.g. Forbes Magazine, likewise the trailer of the film could be shown, obviously on T.V, but more specifically during the adverts of a show that also has a target audience of age group 15 and over for example, the news on ITV1, Channel 4 and Five. This is because the news attracts the most audience due to the fact that news is key to everyone.
The same thing could done at the cinema just before a film of the same certificate and similar genre. The advert itself would need to let the audience know its their type of film and age group without them just looking at the certificate.

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About Me

Our group is Sam Gillard, Georgia Wilde and Lauren Holder.