Our group consists of Sam Gillard, Will Hooper, Harry Flook and Bryn Evans. The blog presents our project and all related work.

Tuesday 23 February 2010

Filming Changes

We have already spent some time filming the first part of the opening sequence. Some parts went well, others didn't.

The first problem was the fact that we did not use a tripod to film the 'toast' set of triplets. This meant that the camera was shaking while waiting for the toast to pop out and moved significantly when the toast was eventually ready. There was also a reflection of the cameraman in the toaster, which did not help the situation.

(insert screengrab of toaster here)

Somethings, however, went better. The scene in which the main character Mark brushes his teeth was, we think, very effective.

Another successful part of the filming was the use of mise-en-scene to show how Mark was struggling to cope.

Overall, we've filmed nearly half of our opening sequence - we are hoping to finish filming on Thursday (25th).

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About Me

Our group is Sam Gillard, Georgia Wilde and Lauren Holder.