Our group consists of Sam Gillard, Will Hooper, Harry Flook and Bryn Evans. The blog presents our project and all related work.

Tuesday 23 March 2010

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

During the process of filming and making our opening sequence, we learned:
  • How to make animated titles,

  • How to become more efficient with the software such as Soundtrack Pro, Final Cut Pro and LiveType,

  • To use programs like Adobe Illustrator and PhotoShop, and add files made on there onto Final Cut.
  • We had some problems with the technology, for example, the microphone did not always pick up the sound (which we had to dub over later).
  • We also had difficulties trying to sync the sound and music with the film on Final Cut - this was the only time we needed any help with the process.

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About Me

Our group is Sam Gillard, Georgia Wilde and Lauren Holder.